Tahun ini dapat kesempatan ikutan WebUnconf 2019 di Batu, Malang.
Acaranya menarik sekali, bisa dapat banyak cerita dan berdiskusi langsung dengan teman-teman dari berbagai komunitas web dari “seluruh” Indonesia dan juga berbagai pembuat konten keren tentang web di media digital serta cetak. Dihadiri 77 orang dari 35 komunitas/organisasi.
Mau liat keseruan acaranya melalui foto-foto, cek di sini 1.
Laporan resmi acaranya bisa diakses di sini 2.
Acara utamanya tentang diskusi grup, yang aku ikuti, ini diambil dari laporan acara, jadi menggunakan bahasa Inggris:
Community Contributions
- Members doesn’t know how to contribute, and they need guidance on how to start contributing
- A guidance also should cover how to ask questions like what need to do before asking a question, what information needs to provide in question, and what the things that tried before
- Skill gap between members made the members can’t ask sometimes and adequately the answers also not clear for junior members.
- Gamification and rewards for contributors might be able to increase contributions.
Cross-browser testing
Things to test UI (User Interface), Functionality, Response, and Performance
Developers need to provide a functional web app to as many browsers as possible
It’s okay not to support really old browsers
Use user’s data to decide minimum support for browsers.
Testing & Continuous Integration(CI)
Avoid testing implementation detail to allow refactor (example: Testing Library)
For reusable unit, the scope of the test should be 100%, but for the reusable unit, the test scope should be based on use cases/scenarios.
Make sure tests are isolated so the CI tasks can be distributed
Monitor CI run times to allow future optimizations
Who is supposed to write the tests?
Engineers: write unit tests for documentation & code reviews
QA Engineers: write automated e2e tests for detecting regressions
How to deal with the trade-off of writing tests?
Communicate with the product team.
Get used to writing tests, so we can write tests more quickly as time goes by.
Share reusable testing utilities across the company (or community).
Project to contribute
Increase support for open-source web projects, lead by R. Adysurya A.
creating a list of Indonesia open source web projects and list projects that requesting support
creating guidance on how to grow an open-source web project